We would like to thank the following businesses and individuals who have generously supported this community project by donations or fundraising.

Peter Baker: Overton Fireplaces (shop since closed)

Tony Morris

Richard & Zoe Hawkins: Overton Gallery – 20 High Street, Overton, Hants, RG25 3HA / 01256 773143

Mark Winter: Acclaim Marketing Services – 89 Winchester Street, Overton, Hants RG25 3HZ / 01256 771457

David Grist: H-C Travel Ltd – 16 High Street, Overton, Hants, RG25 3HA / 01256 771755

David Beal: all the way from Australia

Martin Fielder: Parnell, Jordy & Harvey – 5 Winchester Street, Overton, Hants RG25 3HR / 01256 770836

Jonathan Bird: Ikebana Floral Design – 19 High Street, Overton, Hants RG25 3HB / 01256 771888

Sue Hewetson-Brown: Ashe Warren Farm

Chris Hobbs: Hobbs Hairshop – 7 High Street, Overton, Hants RG25 3HB / 01256 770424

Jane & Ken Mackenzie: Jane & Ken kindly sell our photo greetings cards on their Tradecraft stall at theOverton Methodist Hall in Winchester Street, 09.00 to 12.00 on the 2nd & 4th Saturday each month.

Pat Knott

Overton Business Association: www.overtonbusiness.co.uk

Overton Parish Council: For helping to finance the development of the website in 2013.

Richard Gibbins

Chris Jewell

Overton Museum Committee: For kindly transferring their surplus funds to Overtonpictures.com